

Letters to the editor: July 4, 2013


Melting ice and weather

In response to Mark Barry’s criticism (June 27) of my June 20 op-ed on climate, it is clear he is the perfect example of those among us who are so busy or certain in their facts that they are deterred from doing a little research of their own. With the slightest effort he could research melting Arctic ice and unlock his mindset. If he gathers the will to check, he will find Arctic sea ice volume continues to decline rapidly and has occurred at an exponential rate since 1979. With this accelerated warming, scientists are now predicting the Arctic Ocean could be ice-free in summer months in 20 years or less.

The melting of the Arctic ice cap will not directly raise our coastlines, because it is sea ice and already floats. It is how it has weakened the Arctic polar jet stream, making it more likely that extreme weather conditions that develop get locked in place, affecting one region for protracted lengths of time. Scientists also report the complete meltdown of the Arctic could roughly double the rate of warming of the planet as a whole and certainly will melt all land base ice that does create a rising sea level.

Jeffrey Meyer, Poway

Roost’s column a ‘jewel’

Re: Amy Roost’s June 27 column, “We are all human,” Ms. Roost seems to always be at her best but this piece is a jewel. I don’t know to which recent events her thoughts might be directed but a few come to my mind. And I say, “thanks for the reminder!”

Darlene Pienta, Rancho Bernardo

Rethink Eagle Scout policy

Regarding the City of Poway’s age policy for Eagle Scout service projects (June 20), I strongly disagree. In the case of 12-year-old Life Scout Wyatt Vaineharrison of Troop 622, I think a waiver is clearly in order. He strikes me as an ambitious, hard working young man. He deserves every opportunity to succeed in his efforts to become an Eagle Scout. When you encounter a young man like Wyatt, you make every effort to stay out of his way!

I recommend that Mayor Higginson re-think this “one size fits all” policy. My policy is: lead, follow or get out of the way.

Rex E. Coe, Poway

Scouts work within rules

Regarding the June 20 Boy Scout article:

I believe that the city, just like the rest of us, are entitled to set rules that may restrict as well as liberate activities and actions. The fact that a 12-year-old is ready to take on his Eagle project is commendable. Each of us mature at different rates and are therefore ready for differing degrees of challenges at the same age as a peer.

If the young Mr. Vaineharrison is ready to do his project, he should go forward with it, with a recipient who can embrace his contribution. He can also do his desired project for Poway when he reaches 15 years of age. After all, part of becoming an Eagle Scout is learning how to follow the rules and work within the constraints of those the Scout is helping. And, being a motivated and obviously community-spirited young man, I’m sure he’ll go on to do many activities that serve and enhance the lives of all who he encounters.

Kathleen Jacobson, Poway

Eagle Scout policy should be changed

Determination and drive. Those are the defining elements of personal success. In his diligent pursuit of Eagle Scout designation, young Mr. Vaineharrison has already demonstrated those qualities above and beyond most of his generation! There is an excellent chance he may turn out to be an entrepreneur, inventor, or if nothing else, amazingly content at whatever he chooses to do.

Sadly, in an era when an overwhelming number of his contemporaries spend hours transfixed on their smartphone, tablets, and skateboards, his contemporaries likely are clueless about those qualities. So too the Poway city management team who provided such a lame response to his request for working on a service project, which from the approach he is taking, could do nothing other than benefit our community at no cost to the city.

It would behoove our fine city management to consider how Mr. Vaineharrison has already demonstrated maturity at a level commensurate with whatever undefined personal traits the city uses to consider qualification for a merit badge project. The city management response to his request is clearly in line with those delightful undercurrents of 1950s tradition, completely devoid — so far — of adult reasoning. I am amazed there isn’t a Poway municipal code that requires all new or remodeled homes be built with an atomic bomb shelter!

Meanwhile, were I still in business, I would hire the boy instantly, without even the need for an interview. He demonstrates the character and maturity one would look for in the ideal employee.

I hope our city management team — top to bottom — sees the error of their decision, approves his request, and reconsiders their practices. After all, it is highly unlikely there will be a deluge of applicants seeking to complete Eagle Scout requirements

Charlie Ristorcelli, Poway
