

Our readers write: Issue of June 30, 2016


Be educated

In response to Ted Sandall’s June 16 letter headlined “Common sense needed,” I would like to provide some education about transgender students.

For the true transgender, it is not a decision about someone “feeling” that they want to use one restroom over another. It is a matter true self-identity. No sane person would “decide” to take on potential hate, ridicule, bullying, prejudice and isolation that comes with living their lives authentically.

When it comes to changing morals, it would be a much better world if we all chose to educate ourselves about people who are just different than us, live with love, respect and compassion for each other, and realize that good old common sense no longer serves our changing world.

Denise Welsh


‘A new low’

This is my first letter to the editor in 30 years. I am so disgusted by the Amy Roost column of June 6 that I am motivated to write.

With this column Amy Roost has reached a new low in her stupidity.

Why do you print her stupidity?

Jim Ralph

Rancho Bernardo

Orlando failures

Our country failed.

The FBI failed.

The Florida governor failed.

The Orlando mayor failed.

The Orlando police chief failed.

Off-duty policemen at site failed.

Yes, it was a two-story, sizeable building.

Yes, there was only one shooter.

Yes, 320 souls were at risk.

Yes, there was a three-hour deadly delay.

All unacceptable.

Unfortunately, this is the norm. We weren’t ready. We must become empowered, proactive and personally brave without fear of recrimination, or many more will die.

We must act immediately and decisively.

Herb Tuttle

Rancho Bernardo

Assertion is wrong

In Mr. Lyles’ June 16 article on gun control, he makes the old paranoid assertion that President Obama wants to take away our guns. President Obama said at his town hall meeting on Jan. 7, “What I’ve said consistently throughout my presidency is I respect the Second Amendment, I respect the right to bear arms. I respect people who want a gun for self-protection, for hunting, for sportsmanship.”

I challenge Mr. Lyles to point to a speech by President Obama declaring that he wants to take all legally owned guns away from law-abiding citizens.

Mr. Lyles’ uninformed pronouncement that the only “workable solution” to gun violence is a “macro-strategy to combat the kind of global terrorism currently being spawned by radical Islamic jihadists” completely ignores the fact that most gun violence in this country has nothing to do with jihadists. Hasn’t he ever heard of the Newtown, Connecticut school massacre, the killings at the theater in Aurora, Colorado, or the thousands shot dead in separate incidents?

Mr. Lyles must never watch the news if he believes that “Mr. Obama refuses to wage war on those who aspire to kill us.” Did he forget that on President Obama’s orders, Bin Laden was killed? Has he not heard how many al-Qaida and ISIS members have been killed by American drone strikes?

It’s easy to sit safely at home and say we don’t need any gun control. Would you feel the same if your child and his entire class were massacred by someone using an assault rifle?

Vernon Thomas


Happy reader

I’ll bet there were a few smiles and a tear or two shed after reading Barry Cronin’s June 16 column “The gleam in a man’s eye.” Just wanted to thank him for sharing his story; it made my week. I, too, see myself as a storyteller and, yes, being Irish helps.

Also, columnist Dick Lyles, the problem solver, is doing what Washington has forgotten how to do, use common sense. Thank him for me.

Gail Cochrane


A place to start

Regarding the June 16 Dick Lyles commentary on gun control I wish to ask him a question: What exactly is his “macro-strategy to combat global terrorism”? Carpet bombing, dropping $100 bills over Syria, calling in business consultants to come up with more buzz words, passing out free assault weapons for duck hunters? Please advise us on how to stem the progression of mass shootings and we will be glad to pay your bill.

By the way, I own guns, believe in the Second Amendment and am a Republican, so don’t label me a bleeding heart liberal. I’m not smart enough to have a solution either, but I won’t blame anyone for at least trying something. If it does not work, then try something else. Maybe banning people that are on the no-fly list from buying guns would be a good place to start.

Al Finley


Making tough decisions

Regarding Allen Hemphill’s June 26 column “Taking aim at ‘soft’ targets,” I understand the point he was making. However, in my opinion, his opening comments damaged our police and fire departments.

I am sure you remember how 343 firefighters lost their lives in New York City while attempting to rescue the occupants of the Twin Towers.

As for police, in the recent Orlando nightclub incident they had information that explosives could be in the building and that the shooter had placed explosive vests on the hostages. Had the police stormed the nightclub, explosions and shootings could have taken place. If the police had returned fire, hostages and others could have died as well.

Public safety incident commanders have to make very hard life-and-death decisions. I am very sorry for the wounded who may have “bled out” (Hemphill’s words.) Imagine how the incident commanders must feel, having made the calculated decisions deemed necessary facing the conditions presented.

Rich Schuller

Rancho Bernardo
